My Plan Support Requests Tax Invoices

In order to be clear about whether or not you are charging GST, we ask that you supply Tax Invoices. The Australian Government Business Centre states that you must supply a Tax Invoice if your customer requests it.

Tax invoices show the GST amount for each item. If you cannot configure your software to do this, your invoice cannot include both taxed and non-taxed items.

If your invoices only include equally taxed items, you can include the GST amount in the total block. If that amount is zero, please state it as zero – don’t leave it blank.


Tax invoices

You need to provide a tax invoice if any of these apply:

The purchase is taxable.

The purchase is more than $82.50 (including GST).

Your customer asks for a tax invoice.

If your customer asks for a tax invoice and you’re not registered for GST, show on your invoice that there is no GST. You can do this by including the statement ‘price does not include GST’ or showing the GST as nil or zero.

Other details that your invoice MUST include are:

  • The words ‘Tax Invoice’ must be used – preferably at the top.
  • Your identity as the seller, such as your business name or trading name. Contact details are optional, but recommended.
  • Your ABN or ACN.
  • The date you created the tax invoice.
  • A brief list of the items sold or services performed, including quantity and price.
  • The extent to which each item sold includes GST

Tax invoices for sales of $1000 or more also need to show the buyers identity or ABN.

If you set up your software to create ATO compliant Tax Invoices, you will not have to worry about this each time. There is free software that does an excellent job of this. At the time of writing, one such suite is Invoice Home


Items to include for a compliant invoice when claiming payment from the NDIS

  • Tax Invoice stated
  • Unique Invoice number and date
  • Your Business ABN
  • Business Contact Details
  • NDIS Participant Number
  • Name of NDIS Participant services were performed for
  • Date/s service was performed
  • Item details or hours of service
  • Hourly rate charged if applicable
  • Travel time if applicable
  • NDIS line item if known or detail of service provided.
  • Amount of GST charged, or ‘Price does not include GST’ or showing the GST component as nil or zero.
  • Payment details – BSB and Account Number
  • Preferred email address for remittance.

Another example of a tax invoice.

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